Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Words and sounds...

At times life is wicked and I just cant see the light
A silver lining sometimes isnt enough to make some wrongs seem right.

Not that the quote explains what im feelin' right now. I just liked it.
But kinda makes you think...

What do you need to make things ok? What do you need to change what you did? Does it mean that you always have a second chance? Does it matter?

We tend to think that life has complications,but thats just us trying to find explanations in a world where explanations are not needed. Is it a matter of curiosity? Dont think so.

You always reached out to me and helped me believe
All those memories we share I will cherish every one of them
The truth of it is there's a right way to live
And you showed me
So now you live on in the words of a song
You're a melody

I guess everyone changes. At some point you change the course of life. But you dont do it on your own. Not because you cant, but because you wont. We all need a lil' push to make the changes.

I guess I made a change. And thats why I thank you. Because i've learned from your success, from your mistakes. From every thing you think im not paying attention to. We all have a way to learn.

I dont know what Im trying to say here. I dont know if I understand the words i just typed. Should I understand all this? I dont want to. I dont need to. I dont intend to.

'Cause all of this is meaningless. Just enjoy your life. Enjoy every blink, every breath, every step...

Im doing it... and will continue to.

Its funny how silence speaks sometimes when you're alone and remember that you feel.
- And I feel good -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
